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Jonathan Cruz, Director of Sports Vision Training at Xtreme Vision, discusses accommodation and why that visual skill is important to athletes. Accommodation is the eye's ability to shift focus from objects at different distances.

The sports vision trainers at Xtreme Vision Training have state-of-the-art technology to help both amateur and professional athletes improve sports vision skills.

Below is an exercise you can do at home to help improve your visual accommodation skills:

Call us today at (713) 664-8090 to schedule a sport vision assessment.

You can find all our Daily Vision Vlogs on the website here or by visiting our YouTube channel.

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Jonathan Cruz, Director of Sports Vision Training at Xtreme Vision, discusses peripheral awareness and why that visual skill is important to athletes.

Peripheral awareness is the ability to see objects and moving targets that are not in your central line of vision. This is an important visual skill for athletes to have because they need to be aware of everything around them.

The sports vision trainers at Xtreme Vision Training have state-of-the-art technology to help both amateur and professional athletes improve sports vision skills. Our Dynavision Board and Senaptec Board are both used to improve peripheral awareness.

Call us today at (713) 664-8090 if you have questions about sports vision training.

Below is the peripheral awareness exercise:

You can find all our Daily Vision Vlogs on the website here or by visiting our YouTube channel.

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Join Jonathan Cruz, Director of Sports Vision Training at Xtreme Vision in Bellaire, Texas, as he discusses the importance of improving convergence and divergence. Convergence is the ability for the eyes to team together to focus on a target at an up-close range. Divergence is the ability for the eyes to team together to focus on a target at a distance.

Football players need strong convergence and divergence skills since they have to follow the ball as it comes closer to make the catch. Baseball players use both convergence and divergence skills when batting or catching since they need to be able to track the ball to know where it is in the space around them.

How do you know if you have good eye teaming skills, such as, divergence and convergence?

If you have at least 20/20 acuity, the target that you are focusing on should be single and clear. If you are having issues with keeping the target single and clear, you should reach out to the optometrists at Bellaire Family Eye Care to be assessed on this issue.

Below is the convergence exercise:

Call us today at (713) 664-8090 if you have questions about sports vision training.

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